Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Get out of Georgia Vele!

Buzz..... Buzz....... Buzz... Buzz... Buzz.... This is the sound I heard a few months back, as I was laying in bed at about 2:30 in the afternoon. I shake the sleep from my eyes long enough to focus on my phone on the nightstand beside me. It's not easy being unemployed in Georgia with nothing else to do but sleep your time away, but damn am I good at it. I answered the phone, recognizing the contact " Jason "Jerome" Cronenwett ". I answer the phone knowing exactly what is coming next. "GET OUTTA BED VELE!" My best friend shouts at me, in his scruffy San Diegon accent. So I feel the California sunshine through his words and get out of bed. Or at least that's what I tell him. No, I stay my ass right there and pretend to make the grunts and such of getting out of bed after a long day of sleeping in, as always.

I've become accustomed to sleeping in excess of 14 hours a day. I usually ( by usually I mean only sometimes ) wake up long enough to see Jenniy out the door and to work. Back before I had to change my sleeping habits ( to keep her 4 year old once money got tight ) I would settle back into bed and sleep the majority of the day away happily. This is how I became fat, well not exactly fat, just well.... I'm not going to church it up, I'm getting fucking fat. Needless to say I keep in touch with a few of my good Navy friends through social networking ( facebook ). So Mr. Jerome caught wind of my excessive sleepy time. Hence, "Get out of bed Vele!" ringing in my ear randomly throughout the week. He insisted that he cared enough to call and tell me this because he couldn't stand to see is good friend "go down" like this. He has a good point.

I have to this day been unemployed for the better part of a year now going on 8 or so months. Day's seem to run together at times and getting anything done once you've become a lazy, 8 month unemployed pillow monster are slim to none. I've begun keeping my girlfriend's four year old for a few months now and, while it has me get up and going at times. I mostly nap while he is entertained by Spongebob. I've come to the make it or break it point in my unemployment status, and it's time for me to buckle down and get motivated. Yet, after the better part of 8 months being a complete paragon for the way Jeffery Lebowski lives his life I find myself procrastinating the inevitable. Jenniy has went so far as to tell me I can't be content living out the life of the "Dude". I know she's right, and I know I have to face reality and get my life rolling again. Setting goals, management, financial portfolio's, insurance, computers, black leather gloves, you know the whole Prestige Worldwide thing. The first name in entertainment. Or just plain old gettin' shit done.

I plan on doing the college thing in the spring not just for the money but the chance to help myself be a better person. I see my life on the decline and it hurts me to know that I could have been so much better. Some people say they have no regrets, and that they wouldn't change a thing about their life. Well those people are ignorant, prick, ass-wipes who probably had everything handed out to them on a silver platter. I'd change a thousand things if I had the chance to restart knowing what I know now. Hell, even if I had the chance to start back just a few months ago. I would have gotten my ass out of bed, Vele. I know I can't go back and I won't dwell on it but I do regret that I haven't asserted myself better in life. I guess better late than never eh?

Buzz... Buzz... Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz... The fucking phone vibrates again off the now black painted wood of the nightstand. I pick it up, and get a resounding " GET OUTTA GEORGIA, VELE!". Jason now insists that a lot of my problems would and could be solved with a change in location, location, location. I agree with him on that regard. I should relocate and refresh my financial status with getting a job or two and working my ass off until I'm back in the saddle and everything is going great. I could do that, IF, my financial status didn't include the worst credit score ever. Just as well, there are things here that have to be taken care of before I relocate myself elsewhere. Jenniy doesn't necessarily need my help at all. I choose to be here to help because I want to. I also don't necessarily need to be here beside her either. She's a strong and independent single mom who I know is bound for success. Doesn't mean we don't care or love one another or will discontinue all sexual, intellectual, and vinyl benefits ( you read it right, vinyl, not vital even though those are pretty vital to us ). We just don't have to have one another to keep moving forward with our incredibly tough lives, yet we choose to do this together so far. I have a huge challenging road or path or what have you ahead of me. I'll have a hard road, with or without, Jenniy's or anyone else's help for that matter. Though it may be a long & hard road, there is still a road there for me to take. Even though in southwest Georgia it's more likely to be a rock laden red clay dirt road that gets muddy and just as slippery as ice within a few minutes time of rainfall.

With all that said, and out in the open for everyone to enjoy at their own leisure. I'd like to say this. Give me all your money, in the bag, right fucking now!... Wait.. this isn't intimidating is it? Fuck. On a more serious note, I guess it's time I finally wake up and wipe the 8 months of sleep out of my eyes and drop the pseudo reality that comes with 8 months of doing absolutely nothing at all. This is going to suck... but it's time to take that first step. After all, the dude abides...


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  2. Very interesting situation, I had experienced the same thing a couple of times.
