I can't begin to explain how much oppression I deal with being from southern georgia and stuck in the mud tires spinning, and can't get out. I don't belong here, but I don't deserve to be hated during my time here either. So within these next few or many paragraphs I type here i'll explain my take on why religion is unnecessarily bad, as well as on how being a "faithful" person can mean hate towards others who consider being without faith a luxury. This post is mainly focused on christianity, because it's one religion directly affecting my lifestyle, yet religion in general is the bigger picture. So with all that being said hope someone learns something out of this.
Being that I now have a lot of time to myself here, and without much to do I find myself bitter at people and how they choose to live their lives. Yes, big time no, no there right? I shouldn't be concerned with how someone else chooses to live and what they believe in at all. I have no business with what they do, and should never worry myself on trying to change each and every one of them. What I am getting at here is this. If I can change one stray mind into not being a total ignorant and irrational ass when I walk by them in town or where have you. To get them to put aside the menacing and demeaning looks would make my life that much better, and to have that happen on a larger scale, well that would be wonderful. Just as well, if A supposed moderately timid religious person were to read these following words and decide, hey maybe this lifestyle ( of any faith ) isn't for me. I'd be happy knowing I might have helped someone live that much happier. It's up to the person to make the choice, i'm not here to convert anyone, i'm just here to make known what I have learned through years of trial and error with finding out what is right for me. I am definately not the smartest person with all the answers to everything about this subject, so i'll do the best I can to cover as much as possible.
There is no kind of certainty in my words here, though I think it's highly unlikely I'll get wings after I die, or that there is a giant man in the sky looking over everyone I don't know for sure, yet who honestly does? I believe doubt is the best policy a person can have. Because doubting something isn't placing a strong belief in it, it isn't ridiculing someone else over something that may or may not be. I'm non-religious for a reason, I doubt everything around me all the time. Simply because nothing in life is certain except for death. In any instant anything happening around you can change. To say "i know exactly what i'm going to do when i die." Is like saying, "I know exactly what is going to happen to this person across the country tomorrow". It's impossible, and reading a book like any other book written by man doesn't mean it's factual. Steven King is a man, and I take it anyone reading this wouldn't believe everything steven king writes, correct? No, I didn't think so. If anyone is uneducated about the people who wrote the bible, they were all men. Born in the Bronze age at a time long before modern science. For reference, the people of the bronze age believed the earth was flat. I highly doubt there were any highly prestigious writing and research schools back then. So how in the world could someone believe what was written 2,000 or so years ago, re-written by many, many others and think it was the absolute truth? The majority of them say it's all about "faith".
Why is faith, believing something without evidence, good? Would you want to be sent to jail for the rest of your life without any evidence of you doing anything intentionally cruel and horrid? Then I ask why should I be in someone's eyes damned to hell for the lifestyle of non-religious belief? What good can come out of someone who is stead-fast and devout in their religious faith? Many people would argue, that having faith and being a good religious person or in the case more often in georgia a good chrisitan person. Is better than being a sinning, tattooed, and hell-bound outlaw. I don't hate anyone for what they believe, I don't agree with them, but generally I try to be respectful. Yet I find myself time and time again wasting my breath for these people. I get shunned, sneered, hated ( yes hated ), and basically treated like a sewer-rat because of my non-belief. These people stare with hate and resentment towards me in their eyes everyday I walk out of the house with a smile on my face and spikes in my hair. I don't greet them like a scoundrel. Yet they can't help it, all they see is "sin". Because of their blind belief in a book that tell's them a certain way of life to live. They can't stand anything different. You know where I saw the same hate in peoples eyes? The U.A.E. ( United Arab Emirates ), yes it's much more tolerable than say Baghdad, but people there still hate for the same reason, the things they read in a 2,000 or so year old book.
People from the south in general, would definately argue their case here. Saying something along the lines of 9/11 and how they are savage people who get what they deserve. I say what makes them so different than us? The ability to carry out suicide or terrorist missions because they believe what they read in a book? I'm not condoning their actions at all. Yet they are very devout and faithful to their religion. Let's get in a history lesson here, but before we do let's go to current events. How many christian groups are there out there who would gladly bomb an abortion clinic full of innocent people? Plenty. Back to the historical mumbo-jumbo. Christians have been killing in the name of their lord for many years. Let's run back to the crusades shall we? A multitude of harsh and diabolical military campaigns to take back the holy land from the muslims, as well as other christians. Let's not forget the salem witch trials, over 200 people were put on trial and 20 were executed. These vicious acts were committed well after the bible was written and in the name of God. These religious belief's still carry hate and discontent for other's to this very day. How many people go on a murderous rampage because they heard the voice of "God" tell them to do so? What makes them insane and not just like someone hearing the voice of God telling them anything else? According to scripture you should be willing to sacrifice your children if God called for it ( a few people have, madness all of it ). Hearing the voice of so called God, is a mental disorder. Hearing voices inside your head telling you to do stuff, and talking back to it is psychopathy at it's finest.
Onto other fine topics, I get to discuss. Sex. Who doesn't enjoy it? Yet the only ( and i don't think this is actually written in the bible ) viable position for sex in the christian belief is missionary. Now honestly, who sticks to that one? Don't get me wrong here, it's not a bad position. But having to wait until your married, and then do it over and over again with the same person, I mean really... have you seen divorce numbers lately? Sex should be un-tamed and erotic, not fermented and flailing. Which brings me to doing it in the naughty place. Me personally, no. I have seen ( bring on the fucked up gay jokes haha ) enough assholes in the Navy and out here in Georgia, to never venture into one. It's just not my cup-o-tea. But for many, it is a part of their sexual orientation and it's also considered a sin, something to be forgiven in the christian belief. Now if it were me probing the anal cavity of my significant other or have you someone else's significant other. I wouldn't want to have to worry about forgiveness for something that is relatively harmless and is, i've heard, a good form of birth control. Yet again there is the problem birth control is out too... damn. But who's safe when you believe in virgin birth? Another part left out of the original scripture... hmm this sounds dicey. Sounds almost like someone is making things up as they go along to me. Let's just say that's a pretty big thing to leave out when your talking about all these divine things.
Leaving the sex subject and treading over the virgin birth leads me to my next point. Evidence of christ's existence. It's just not there. Many, many would argue that the bible stands as evidence of christ being real. Yet I beg to differ. The eyewitness accounts of christ's words were passed between decades of people. And as said before, i'm pretty sure steven kings characters aren't real people. These people don't believe in Santa ( nor do i ), who can supposedly make it around the world to each house in one night delivering presents. Yet they choose to believe that there is a celestial being in the heaven's above who can hear and speak back to them all at once. It just doesn't sit right with me and how common sense is supposed to work. These aren't dumb people mind you, many of them smarter than myself, alot smarter in some aspects. Yet they knowingly choose to believe in a man living in a giant fish for three days, talking snakes, a man who lived to be hundreds of years old, and of course the virgin birth. Where is the logical and rational thought in that?
Getting onto the rationality of things. The majority of American's think it's just fine and dandy that we are blowing up the sacred grounds of Muslims, just as they thought it was the right thing to do with us. This is a religious war an endless and irrational campaign that is spawned by hate,religious belief, and cultural diversity. When you get down to it, on those streets fighting, that muslim radicalist is shooting at you for the same reason your shooting at him hate. Hate for one another's belief and the actions taken for those belief's. How many more human beings have to die for this? For their religion, their god, their country? Radical and non-radical religious people are tearing this world apart, filling it with hate and discontent for anything other than their own philosophies. It has to stop before the human race destroy's itself with the weapons we created to end the world before we figured out world peace. We all bleed red. I don't wish harm on anyone. I just wish the madness and irrationality of religion was dead. I have alot to say on this and I probably left alot of things but the main focus points are there.
Again I want to say I don't believe for a reason. I question everything around me including my government ( a whole different post there haha. ). I also know that some won't care what i've said here the principal's and way of life is too deep rooted for them to turn on what they have grown up with or in some cases, sadly, they have been forced into. I love life and I believe in free-will. Everyone has a choice to make once they get older and get smarter on how they want to live and what they want out of life. On the majority of things I know what I want. I still have some digging to do in some area's, but that comes with a bit more time. Back on topic, the choice is one's own to make, NOT the parents, NO one should be forced into a lifestyle that may or may not suit them. They also shouldn't be shunned by others no matter what they choose to believe. Yet this always falls upon deaf ears, nothing changes the masses. Parents want to give their children the same views they see as right. When they should give them the choice, and not through an ultimatum. A parent should love and understand that it's the child's right to grow and think for itself. This doesn't mean you shouldn't teach moral's and educate them on being good people without the brainwashing techniques they use on children from a young age to push their faith. You can teach good things to your child without the bible. I'm sure before the bible was written people knew it was wrong to kill each other. Hell my 4 year old best friend know's that killing anything is wrong, just as well lying, stealing, and not behaving. He know's all this without the help of Jesus.
My ending statements are to people who do think and rationalize their surroundings. It's time to come out and stop being timid about who you are, be you. Not what a book or what television tell's you to be. Just have fun, we only get a short amount of time here, make the most of it. Let the religious follow, while we lead. Plenty of people all over the world have doubt's. It's better just not to be certain and live happily than to try and double down and cover your own ass if it's true. That's not a good reason to be religious. No one can tell or show you any truth you can't find yourself. Praying about something is only as good as hoping something were so. I realize there are many followers of religion that are happy and just fine with what they are. Yet they don't realize that the faithful and devout masses are letting their supposedly peaceful belief's turn us against each other. We are only as smart as we let ourselves become. Exercise and educate your mind and don't slump into the mass delusion of pre-destination.